Sunday, June 22, 2014


Wordmark from Wikipedia logo 2.0
Wordmark from Wikipedia logo 2.0 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cover of "Valis"
Cover of Valis
“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” 

― Philip K. Dick, VALIS

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Kierkegaard Quote

Soren Kierkegaard studying
Soren Kierkegaard studying (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me." -
Soren Kierkegaard

I can relate...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Lawyers Should Take Notes By Hand

Now today too there is also the issue of "losing" the notes with the help of technology, where as long as you are organized you can keep paper pretty much safe .

Lawyers Should Take Notes by Hand
New research confirms what many of us have believed all along: taking notes by hand — with a pen and paper — is better than typing. 

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More of the same.  Scary,

"Glenn Beck Admits the Right was Wrong on Iraq"

This is from my friend's blog with my comment- thought it was interesting...

Post a Comment On: Welcome to MARKADELPHIA

Miracle of miracles, Glenn Beck has admitted that the right was wrong: he says the people who opposed the invasion of Iraq were right.
“[Liberals] said we couldn’t force freedom on people,” Beck said at the start of his Tuesday radio show. “Let me lead with my mistakes. You were right. Liberals, you were right, we shouldn’t have.” “In spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said, ‘We shouldn’t get involved, we shouldn’t nation-build and there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free,’” Beck said. “I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free.”

On Tuesday, Beck admitted, “You cannot force democracy on the Iraqis or anybody else, it doesn’t work. They don’t understand it or even really want it.” Though Beck understands now that the right was wrong, he still doesn't seem to getwhy the right was wrong. The problem isn't that you "can't force freedom on people." The problem is that you can't invade a country and force people to be reasonable, fair and considerate. Too many people -- though not all by far -- are selfish and tribal. These bad actors say they want freedom, but they want it only for themselves. Freedom and power for their own religion and their own leaders to do whatever they want, while denying certain freedoms to their enemies.

They want to enforce their religion, their morality and their worldview on everyone in the country. They believe their religious leaders should be able to dictate the most intimate details of everyone's lives, even in the privacy of their bedrooms. They believe that their version of religion is the only correct version, that god is on their side, that he guides their every move and that this justifies and blesses everything they do.

They do not believe in justice for all, they believe in vengeance. They do not believe that everyone is created equal, they believe they are superior to those who are not just like them. They believe that women are less than men, that women should marry who they're told to marry (and certainly not other women), that women should only wear the clothes "that keep them safe," that women should behave a certain way to avoid giving men the wrong idea.

They think there's nothing wrong with preventing others from exercising their basic rights, such as women controlling their own bodies and deciding what hormones to take, letting women decide for themselves whether or how to delay having children. They have no problem using intimidation and other means to prevent their opponents from voting.

They don't believe in negotiating with their opponents to reach an accommodation that will satisfy most of what each side wants: they want everything their way and want to deny their opponents even the smallest victory. They view the tiniest compromise as a total betrayal of their core beliefs that will result in total destruction of their faith.

These bad actors don't believe that the whole country should work together in order for everyone to succeed. They separate everyone into us and them. They believe that themselves to be the only real defenders of their country, and that there are too many of those people -- people who are not just like them -- who are destroying it. 

They believe that violence and the force of arms are a legitimate and immediate recourse against anyone whom they view as a threat.

Oh, wait a second. Were we talking about obstacles to democracy in Iraq or the conservative American political machine?

A democracy only works if there's give and take, if people negotiate in good faith to come to an agreement that lets everyone get some of what they want and need. Democracy fails when too many people insist on having everything their way and refusing to work together, demonizing opponents, constantly lobbing bombs (physical and verbal) at their opponents, constantly trying to gain the upper hand and gain control of everything, and then rig the system so that they can maintain that hold on power, by hook or by crook, forever.

By watching how Iraq is falling apart, we might learn a thing or two about how to make Americans work better together.
1 – 1 of 1
Blogger Gina Lombardo said...
My thing is how could anyone NOT KNOW what he has inally figured out, from the the get go? Most of the people I knew thought that at the time. Your can not force freedom. What an oxymoron. Revolutions, like the American and French ones, came when the people could not take it anymore. That is not the case here. And it is not true that all peoples around the world want to be ruled in a Democratic Republic. What ignorance on Beck's part- or do you think he was just posing all along? Never know with that guy. Good thing is he seems to have dwindled dramatically in popularity. So maybe he is saying this as some kind of ploy. Who knows and who cares about that ignoramus windbag. :)
3:21 AM

I Feel Like Google+ Is Infiltrating and Taking Over the Known World

Google (Photo credit: warrantedarrest)
Facebook logo Español: Logotipo de Facebook Fr...
Facebook logo Español: Logotipo de Facebook Français : Logo de Facebook Tiếng Việt: Logo Facebook (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am sure this sounds paranoid, but apparently I am not alone.  It seems that just recently Google+ is everywhere- I mean, just everywhere.  And changing a lot that I loved about Google.  Now it has become almost like Wal-Mart to me- it has everything, and if you want one thing, you have to get the other thing.

This article at Lifehacker explains my sentiments exactly:

Called Facebook versus Google+: Your Best Arguments

Another thing that makes me apprehensive is how much of my public information is going out there without me even knowing it.  For example, I was on (apparently) Google Maps looking at where apartments were situated, and suddenly a pop-up occurred, from Plus, I think, saying, "Gina has just opened the link to so and so" and appeared about ready to publish it to my GooglePlus stream or profile or page.  I quickly tried to shut that down and do not know what happened.

Or my photos- it has apparently hijacked them so that when I "have" to sync my Android phone with Google Contacts, the photos were suddenly up in a "sync" box both on Facebook and Plus, both saying, basically, that I had full control, relax, they won't be published unless you do this or that.  Well, I never signed up for that, and to have to opt out of everything would be impossible at this point, since GooglePlus is connected to pretty much everything of Google's, like Gmail, Blogger, YouTube, Maps, every more ala carte I guess.

And the set up of Plus is so much like Grand Central Station- confusing, tons of groups to be in, with myself getting massive amounts of email from each group everytime someone coughs, and I don't know when I post if I am posting for the entire world to see or what.

Yes, I know this is all carefully explained in their help pages (how to ensure your privacy) but the average person is not going to have the time to do all that.

And yeah I wouldn't have to be on it at all, I know.  But it is like being the only kid left out of a game, if you don't join in and try to learn and expand, you will be left behind.  When the day comes that gmail is the only email option, or Android the only smartphone platform, or Google Wallet the only way to pay, etc. etc., then what.  So I am trying.

But you can see I am not alone based on the numerous comments to the article here, some of which are nasty.

In fact I DO like Google a lot- I love Gmail, and Google Voice, and other stuff.  At the time when Google Plus came out I found it a totally lame comparison to Facebook, like, what is the point.  But now it seems to be sticking its hands into everything and gaining on Facebook.  There are some really good things about Google Plus too, like the ability to meet new people with your interests easily, and to keep up with the news, etc., that Facebook does not have.

But it wears me and my ADD out, just going on there.

I would like to say thanks to someone who works there though who graciously helped me out fixing this Blogger thing that had gone haywire after the Google Comments installation that was practically forced upon us.  Very helpful and a genius.  Thing is, I am not, I do not do that for a living, and I am not going to be able to run to him or others all the time.

So am I going to get left behind here?

Remains to be seen.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thought for the Day

"Sorrow is knowledge, those that know the most must mourn the deepest, the tree of knowledge is not the tree of life." -
Lord Byron

Testing it Out

Trying this out to see if it is working better now...

Monday, June 16, 2014

Done with This

I am so sick of this new forced attachment to Google Plus and the fact that my comments disappeared and I can't change the settings that I am going to import what I have to a new place, probably Weebly or something.  I give up.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Where are all the Comments?

Hi, does anyone with a blog on here happen to know what happened to all my old comments from before Google Plus reared its ugly head, and why I cannot find any current comments anywhere on this blog or in Google Plus even though it says there ARE comments?  The help pages are no help to me.  I am wanting to go back to Wordpress or some other blogsite but am afraid I will lose everything in the process.  Thanks...

Posted via Blogaway

Friday, June 13, 2014

Free Will?

Is there "free will" in heaven? What...

Free Will Is Just Random Fluctuations In Brain Noise?

This is being proved more and more with cognitive neuroscience that eventually philosophy will have no valid argument for free will.